Youth, ICT And the Future of Work
- The Kenya national innovation agency (KeNIA)June 3, 2022The Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA) is a State Corporation established under the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Act, No. 28 of 2013 under the Ministry of Education. The core mandate of the Agency is to develop and manage the […]
Affordable Housing
- State bets on versatile bamboo to meet affordable housing goalsApril 8, 2022Under the Big Four blueprint, the Government wants to provide at least 500,000 affordable housing units by 2022. It is beautiful and sustainable. It is an energy saver, has zero emissions and is environmentally friendly. Its potential in […]
- Introduction for “Manufacturing”August 23, 2023This is the first in a four-book mini-series capturing key interventions by the government in manufacturing; from cement to oil and gas and mining and steel sectors. […]
Towards Food Security
- Sugar sub-sector beset by problemsMay 2, 2022Over the years, sugar output has remained below local demand forcing the country to import sugar to fill the gap despite investments in sector. Sugar is the second-largest contributor to Kenya’s agricultural growth after tea. There are three […]
Universal Health Coverage
- ‘Hailing boda bodas’ to get pregnant mothers to hospital fastApril 30, 2022As then Health Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki noted at the 6th Diaspora Homecoming Convention, 2019, one of the lessons the ministry has learned from the UHC pilot programme is that to succeed, there must be adoption of technology, specifically […]
- A very German humblingMay 11, 2022Bernd Holzenbein may have scored the fastest international goal on Kenyan soil with his 15thsecond strike after kick-off when Eintracht Frankfurt beat Kenya4-1 at the Nairobi City Stadium on June 16, 1971, but it is his provider, Jürgen Grabowski, […]
Journey Of Women Trailblazers
- Ikal Angei – Unbowed environmental and social justice activistMay 5, 2022Ikal Angelei made history by staging a spirited opposition against the construction of the Gibe III Dam to protect the livelihoods of people living in northern Kenya. Researching the potential impact of the Gibe III Dam, Ikal Angelei was shocked to […]